The following items must be submitted: the formatted maunscript and a cover letter outlining the contributions and significance of the work.
- The journal publishes original articles that were never published before.
- All the articles accepted for publication will be made available free of charge under Creative Commons Licence.
- The journal supports reproducible research. To ensure reproducibility, authors are encouraged to provide
- full or partial data or simulated data containing same format of original data as supplementary material with proper permissions or at least detail summary of the data, and
- software codes with clear outline of usage.
- Intended readers of this journal are from a variety of disciplines with specific interest in data analytics and statistical applications. While submitting a paper in this journal, authors should keep in mind that the readers of these journal may not have deeper understanding of the state-of-art statistical techniques, and hence the articles should be written in such a language so that the intended readers can appreciate the content. If the paper is not intended for statistical practitioners, it may be beyond the scope of this journal (see the ‘Focus and Scope’ of the journal).
- Articles must be typeset in English and may be submitted in a word document or in PDF.
- The journal uses Open Journal System for manuscript submission and tracking. As such, only electronic submissions are acceptable.
- If multiple parts of a work needs to be documented distinctly, each of these papers should have their own significant merit and submitted separately. Since same reviewers can not be guaranteed for the whole series, it is encouraged to make each of them as independent as possible.
- Please follow the specific guidelines below while preparing the manuscript for submission. Feel free to send pre-submission inquiry if you are unsure about the suitability of your paper for this journal.
Journal templates in both Word(R) and LaTeX along with smaple cover letter and copyright forms are available from the following URL. Accepted manuscript must be formatted as per style. Since the journal depends on voluntary service, we strongly recommend that you arrnage for converting your accepted manuscript into LaTeX format.
Title should be self contained and written with initial capitalization of each words (conjunctions and prepositions should not be capitalized).
Example of a Title: Factors affecting Malnutrition in under-five Children in Developing Countries
Blind Review
To ensure blind review, authors should not include their names/affiliations/email address or anything in the manuscript that can potentially identify them. Authors’ names, affiliations, contact addresses, acknowledgement, funding sources, conflict of interests, code of ethics (if human subjects are involved) and each author’s contribution (see below for criteria of authorship) must be provided in the appropriate forms during the electronic manuscript submission process.
To be credited as author or co-author, one has to meet all of the following conditions:
- substantial contribution in
- conception or
- designing the study or
- execution or collection of data or
- analysis/interpretation of the data
- substantial contribution in
- drafting manuscript or
- reviewing or
- revising as suggested by the reviewers
- approves the final version of the manuscript before publication.
- believes in validity of the methods used and conclusions reached based on it.
- takes public responsibility for the contributed portions of their own scholarly work.
Each article should have an abstract that summarizes the topic of the article and highlight of contributions. Avoid using bibliographic references in the abstract. A typical abstract should have the following parts: the central hypothesis, motivation for this research, statistical methods used in solving the problem, conclusions obtained from data analysis. An abstract must be limited to 500 words. Sub-headings are allowed. If used, suggested abstract sub-headings are: context, objective, design, outcome, analysis, results.
There should be at most five keywords representing the main topic of the article.
Unless the terms are long, this journal discourages use to excessive abbreviations to make the article easily readable.
Section Names
Section and subsection names should be short, not to exceed a single line including the section/subsection number. Sections and subsections should be written in the same style as the title (initial capitalization of each word but not the prepositions and conjunctions).
Example of a section and subsection:
1 Method of Analysis
1.1 Data and Variables
For this journal, all tables should be numerically ordered. They should be placed in the same sequence as described in the text. While citing a table, should have the word “Table†before the number. Each table should be self-explanatory. Table should have titles with all main words capitalized, rules below headlines and bottomline. If necessary, use of footnotes under the tables are allowed. Used abbreviations should be placed below tables and before the footnote, if any. Same measurement units should be used where possible. Tables should be simple and concise. Overly complicated structures in table construction are not encouraged. More than two decimal places in numerical values are discouraged.
Like tables, all figures should be numerically ordered. While citing a figure, should have the word “Figure†before the figure number. For this journal, figures should be included in the manuscript as well as as separate graph files. Acceptable formats are JPEG, PNG, BMP. If manuscript submitted in LaTex, in addition to the mentioned formats, EPS, PDF formats are also acceptable. If created in excel, powerpoint or word, authors can submit in original format. Resolution should be high enough to view and read the curves and text of the figures, but more than 2 MB files per figure are not acceptable, unless there is a compelling reason for the figure to be of such high quality. Figures can be with colors.
This journal doesn’t allow any texts as footnotes. Enclose such content as text within parentheses.
Scientific Notations
Greek letters should be represented by Greek letters directly, rather than spelled-out English word, e.g., $\beta$-interferon instead of beta-interferon. Mathematical expressions should be written in a single line if possible. If the equation is referred in the text, ordered numbers should be used to reference it. If not referenced, should not be associated with any equation number. When citing an equation, should have the word “equation†before the number.
This journal follows APA citation style that refers to the rules and conventions established by the American Psychological Association for documenting sources used in a research paper. APA style requires both in-text citations and a reference list. For every in-text citation there should be a full citation in the reference list and vice versa.
- For citing single author, use (David, 2012).
- If the name of the author and the year comes as part of the narrative, use David (2012).
- For citing two authors, use David and Cox (2010).
- For citing more than three authors, use the Lastname1, lastname2, and lastname3 (2010) for the first instance. Subsequent citations should be written as Lastname1, et al. (2010)
All the references used in the article should appear in the reference list at the end of the article. Similarly, any citation listed in the reference should be cited in the article.
The references are sorted alphabetically by last name of the authors. The list should not be numbered. While citing, these references need to be within a sentence enclosed in parenthesis. For quoting, page number should be additionally mentioned within that parenthesis, e.g., (Cox, 2012 p. 219).
To preserve the natural flow of description of data analysis techniques, theorems, proofs, derivations and self-contained software codes are highly encouraged to be submitted as appendices or Web-appendices, whichever may be appropriate. For computer intensive methods, program run times should be clearly stated. All the appendices should be numbered and placed after the reference. If a new paper is cited in appendix that was not cited in the main manuscript, the reference should be included in the main list of references according to the suggested format.
Supplementary materials or Web-Appendices
The supporting information that can not be included in the main manuscript, in order to preserve the flow of the article or to enhance the understanding of the readers (say, the questionnaire, if a survey was designed and used for the study) or to meet suggested word limits, should also be submitted along with the main manuscript. These materials are intended for clearly explaining the methods or materials used in the main manuscript and should not be essential to apprehend the conclusions of the main manuscript. Furthermore, a well-written Web-appendix can speed up the peer-review process. The title of this supplementary material file should clearly indicate that this is extraneous to the main manuscript. If it needs to be splitted in several sections, it should be numbered as web-appendices, e.g., Web-Appendix 3. Tables and Figures should be numbered (separately from the main manuscript, not continuing) and include the word ‘Web’ in front of it. If papers are cited in the Web appendix, a new reference list should be included at the end of all the Web-appendices according to the suggested format. In total maximum of 5 MB of such files will be allowed.
Word limit
Although it is expected that the paper will be written in a concise manner, this journal does not enforce a word limit. Exclusive of the abstract tables, figures and references, suggested word limit for the manuscript is 5,000. However, in general, it is expected that a paper with higher word counts will take longer time via each step of peer-review process. Also may be a per-page publication fee for the papers above 20 pages. Please check with the journal contact for any question on longer manuscripts.